Tuesday, 7 February 2012

A little depoting tutorial

Evening girls & boys (if any read this blog).
Tonight I have a little tutorial to share with you which also has a review in it~!

Here is 4 simple steps to depotting your eyeshadows.

Step 1. Open the lid of said shadow, I used my MAC singles for the photos. Grab a kitchen knife (be careful!!) and pop out the plastic case encasing the eyeshadow pan. It should lift out quite easily.
Step 2. Heat your straightener to a reasonable heat. I used my housemates cloud 9 as it has adjustable heat settings. I set it to 100 degrees. Once the straightener was hot and ready to go I placed the plastic case on the heat plate for 20 seconds. (If you have a GHD like me, lessen the time the plastic case is left on the straightener for)
Step 3. Remove your eyeshadow from the straightener and place it on a paper towel to cool. Once cool, grab your knife again and you will notice where the metal pan is inserted into the plastic case. Proceed to lift out the eyeshadow pan (glue would of melted) and place again on the paper towel to cool.
Step 4. Simply put your shadow into your magnetic palette as I did with my book of shadows. If you need to, put suitable magnets on the bottom of your eyeshadow pan to ensure it will stick to the magnetic palette!

Book of Shadows Review
I love love LOVE these! They are super durable, managable and so easy to use! I brought these from the book of shadows etsy seller 'AnotherSoul'. Lynn has a huge range of patterns, waterproof palettes and the ever so amazing double sided palette which I MUST get my hands on asap! The palettes cost me $12.99US each (I believe the price may be increasing to $13.99US soon). Really affordable for what they are. The only downside to this purchase was the time in which it took to come! :(
Highly recommend the seller!

Hope you enjoyed - Keep an eye out for a tutorial on how to mae your own book of shadows from notebooks produced by my housemate and I - Be sure to check out her AMAZING blog Sunshine Polaroids Feathers.

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